I know this question been asked hundred times... But I am getting frustrated with my result so I wanted to ask again. Before I dive deep into fft, I need to figure this simple task out.
I need to detect a 20 hz tone in an audiofile. I insert the 20hz tone myself like in the picture. (It can be any frequency as long as listener can't hear it so I thought I should choose a frequency around 20hz to 50 hz)
info about the audiofile.
afinfo 1.m4a
File: 1.m4a
File type ID: adts
Num Tracks: 1
Data format: 1 ch, 22050 Hz, 'aac ' (0x00000000) 0 bits/channel, 0 bytes/packet, 1024 frames/packet, 0 bytes/frame
Channel layout: Mono
estimated duration: 8.634043 sec
audio bytes: 42416
audio packets: 219
bit rate: 33364 bits per second
packet size upper bound: 768
maximum packet size: 319
audio data file offset: 0
format list:
[ 0] format: 1 ch, 22050 Hz, 'aac ' (0x00000000) 0 bits/channel, 0 bytes/packet, 1024 frames/packet, 0 bytes/frame
Channel layout: Mono
I followed this three tutorials and I came up with a working code that reads audio buffer and gives me fft doubles.
How do I obtain the frequencies of each value in an FFT?
I read the data as follows
// If there's more packets, read them
inCompleteAQBuffer->mAudioDataByteSize = numBytes;
"couldn't enqueue buffer");
sound->packetPosition += nPackets;
int numFrequencies=2048;
int kNumFFTWindows=10;
SInt16 *testBuffer = (SInt16*)inCompleteAQBuffer->mAudioData; //Read data from buffer...!
OouraFFT *myFFT = [[OouraFFT alloc] initForSignalsOfLength:numFrequencies*2 andNumWindows:kNumFFTWindows];
for(long i=0; i<myFFT.dataLength; i++)
myFFT.inputData[i] = (double)testBuffer[i];
[myFFT calculateWelchPeriodogramWithNewSignalSegment];
for (int i=0;i<myFFT.dataLength/2;i++) {
NSLog(@"the spectrum data %d is %f ",i,myFFT.spectrumData[i]);
and my out out log something like
Everything checks out for 4096 samples of data
Set up all values, about to init window type 2
the spectrum data 0 is 42449.823771
the spectrum data 1 is 39561.024361
the spectrum data 2047 is -42859933071799162597786649755206634193030992632381393031503716729604050285238471034480950745056828418192654328314899253768124076782117157451993697900895932215179138987660717342012863875797337184571512678648234639360.000000
I know I am not calculating the magnitude yet but how can I detect that sound has 20 hz in it? Do I need to learn Goertzel algorithm?