i have been troubled about audio problem for several days. i don't think OpenAL get along with AVAudio functions.
i have my own OpenAL class. ( wrapped the MyOpenAL class ) my app start to record using AVAudioRecorder. i stop recording. and then i clicked the "OpenAL Play"button that play any sound using OpenAL. i can't hear it. but i can hear my recording when i clicked the "AVAudioPlayer Play" button using AVAudioPlayer.
i tested oalTouch,avTouch,SpeakHear sample code. they resulted same. in oalTouch, when AVAudioPlayer stop, OpenAL stop playing simultaneously. this is why i think so.
Does OpenAL have the problem using AVAudio~ Functions together?
I was googling for a long time. but i couln't find out the solutions and the same problems issue.
thanks for reading mine.