
I have this xml schema , could you possible help me to extract the values of all item, using XMLStarlet, in shell script.


I'm trying to extract item in such way

outcome=`xml sel -T -t -m /transfer-matrix.xml/transfers/rows/item -s D:N:- "@item" -v "concat(@item,'|',item,'|',item,'|',item,'|',item,'|',item)" -n /usr/share/dashboard/xml/transfers-country.xml`

My output is:

|Hungary|Hungary|Hungary|Hungary|Hungary |Spain|Spain|Spain|Spain|Spain |Finland|Finland|Finland|Finland|Finland

I need format like this


I would be grateful for the help


1 Answers


You need to specify which element you want and add new line character in the end like this:

OUTPUT=$(xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m /transfer-matrix.xml/transfers/rows/item -s D:N:- "@item" -v "concat(@item,'|',item[1],'|',item[2],'|',item[3],'|',item[4],'|',item[5],'\n')" transfers-country.xml)

And then you can get the desired result via echo -e:

$ echo -e "$OUTPUT"

Edit: As npostavs points out, it would be much better to use -n flag instead:

$ xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m /transfer-matrix.xml/transfers/rows/item -s D:N:- "@item" -n -v "concat(@item,'|',item[1],'|',item[2],'|',item[3],'|',item[4],'|',item[5])" transfers-country.xml
