I am developing an app where users can log in with Google+. I added the Google+ sign in button and the user can log in without any issues.
Where I am having trouble is in retrieving the friends/ people in circles. This feature is not in the Android API, so I am trying to achieve this with an HTTP request (as documented here)
I set up my application in the developer console with a Public API access Android Key.
When I use an HttpGet with this URL:
https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/{the user's g+ id}/people/visible?key={my API key from the console}
I get a "keyInvalid" error with a "Bad Request" message.
If I try it without "?key={my key}" I get a "dailyLimitExceedingUnreg" error with message "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
Do you know why my reqest isn't working? What can I do to get it to work?