
i have a Mule flow that gathers calculations information from an external service to enrich a list of Invoices. So, I end up (after the enricher scope) with my calc info in a flow variable, and my original invoices in the payload.

Can I use the data mapper to inject my calculation values into the existing invoice objects?

Currently I'm using a Groovy script - but prefer config over scripting.


1 Answers


You can use the datamapper transformer within an enricher scope to enrich parts of the payload.

The enricher can enrich the payload if you set the 'target' to a named field on a POJO for example, or if your payload is a Map, the enricher will add a new entry to the Map.

   <datamapper... />
   <enrich target="#[payload.field1]" source="#[payload.datamapperoutputfield1]" />
   <enrich target="#[payload.field2]" source="#[payload.datamapperoutputfield1]" />