I would like to
- add/remove/update elements/attributes/values to the "subTree"
- be able to save the updated "targetDoc" back to the "target" file location.
- determine which tree model would be best for this xpath + tree modification procedure.
I thought I should somehow be able to get a MutableNodeInfo object, but I don't know how to do this. I tried using the processor.setConfigurationProperty(FeatureKeys.TREE_MODEL, Builder.LINKED_TREE); but this still gives me an underlying node of TinyElementImpl. I require xpath 2.0 to avoid having to enter default namespaces, which is why I am using saxon s9api instead of Java's default DOM model. I would also like to avoid using xslt/xquery if possible because these tree modifications are being done dynamically, making xslt/xquery more complicated in my situation.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// XML File namesspace URIs
Hashtable<String, String> namespaceURIs = new Hashtable<>();
namespaceURIs.put("def", "http://www.cdisc.org/ns/def/v2.0");
namespaceURIs.put("xmlns", "http://www.cdisc.org/ns/odm/v1.3");
namespaceURIs.put("xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
namespaceURIs.put("xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink");
namespaceURIs.put("", "http://www.cdisc.org/ns/odm/v1.3");
// The source/target xml document
String target = "Path to file.xml";
// An xpath string
String xpath = "/ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemGroupDef[@OID/string()='IG.TA']";
Processor processor = new Processor(true);
// I thought this tells the processor to use something other than
// TinyTree
DocumentBuilder builder = processor.newDocumentBuilder();
XPathCompiler xpathCompiler = processor.newXPathCompiler();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : namespaceURIs.entrySet()) {
xpathCompiler.declareNamespace(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
try {
XdmNode targetDoc = builder.build(Paths.get(target).toFile());
XPathSelector selector = xpathCompiler.compile(xpath).load();
XdmNode subTree = (XdmNode) selector.evaluateSingle();
// The following prints: class
// net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyElementImpl
* Here, is where I would like to modify subtree and save modified doc
} catch (SaxonApiException e) {