
I used the answer to this question to fix a circular import when setting up Flask-SQLAlchemy. The solution works because you don't have to import the app from the application.py file to get the database URI - it initalizes the connection just before running the app. The issue now is that I typically like import my models file into a python interpreter just so I can test the models (and the connection to the database) without actually running the app. But with this setup, just importing models won't establish a connection to PostGres.

Is there a way to establish a connection to PostGres through Flask-SQLAlchemy without actually initializing and running an app? Maybe I can provide db with the URI to my database directly?


2 Answers


Study this code https://github.com/mattupstate/overholt there is a link on github explaining the design. What should be your main focus is the usage of flask-script. I think you have to use the factory pattern, but you want to do that anyway if you are doing anything remotly serious.

Best of luck


It looks like you are searching for this one github.com/mardix/active-alchemy

Active-Alchemy is a framework agnostic wrapper for SQLAlchemy that makes it really easy to use by implementing a simple active record like api, while it still uses the db.session underneath. Inspired by Flask-SQLAlchemy