
I have an Android Firemonkey app and I want to release it.
But I can't switch to the release mode and the program runs in debug mode.
I tried these :
Changing configuration in Project Options (Top toolbar).
Using Shift + Ctrl + F9 instead of F9.


1 Answers

  • Open the Project Manager. From the menu with View | Project Manager, or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + F11.
  • In the project tree view find the Build Configurations node.
  • Open that node and double click Release.

Alternatively the Project Manager has a toolbar with a button giving control over the active configuration:

enter image description here

As for what you were doing, the drop down in the project options dialog determines which configuration's settings are being modified rather than which configuration is active. The Shift + Ctrl + F9 shortcut is for Run without debugging. That determines how the process is started (without attaching a debugger) rather than how it is built.