
Within PowerPivot for Excel, under the 'Design' tab, there's an option to use 'Existing Connections' as a data source for Power Pivot. Here we can select our carefully shaped & managed Power Query connections (e.g. to SQL Server, Web pages, flat files).

However this interface only permits the selection of a single Workbook Connection at a time for import. I'd like to select multiple/all Power Query connections.

Can it be done?


3 Answers


In Excel 2013 you can refresh all the Power Query connections by using the Refresh All option on the DATA ribbon. You can also do the same on the Power View ribbon using the Refresh All option that's located there.

Excel 2013 with Power Query Refresh All on Data Ribbon

Appreciate your using Power BI.

Lukasz P.

Power BI Team, Microsoft

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The specific bulk-import requested cannot be performed in the standard Excel 2010 and PowerBI interface at this time.

Edit: It's now possible to avoid the necessity of bulk-importing your Power Queries into PowerPivot, by creating the connections directly. See blog at: http://www.excelguru.ca/blog/2015/04/29/load-power-query-directly-to-power-pivot-in-excel-2010/


Tom, there doesn't seem to be a way to select multiple connections in that dialogue box.

You can however refresh all sources from the home tab:

enter image description here