Could you please help me on this code. On execution, the program prints Hello World continuously and does not exit. I want to use this code as shellcode in C program too, hence I have not defined Hello String in data section. Please let me know where is the issue.
SECTION .text ; Code section
global _start ; Make label available to linker
_start: ; Standard ld entry point
jmp callback ; Jump to the end to get our current address
pop rsi ;
mov rax,4 ; System call number for write
mov rdi,1 ; 1 for stdout
mov rdx,12 ; length of Hello World
syscall ; Switch to the kernel mode
mov rax,1 ;
xor rdi,rdi ;
syscall ;
call dowork ; Pushes the address of "Hello World" onto the stack
db 'Hello World',0xA ; The string we want to print