From the book Beginning Haskell, I learned that I can build a package from cabal setup file (chapter2.cabal). The source is downloadable from
For example, this is an example of the Cabal file from Section 2 example.
name: chapter2
version: 0.1
cabal-version: >=1.2
build-type: Simple
author: Alejandro Serrano
hs-source-dirs: src
build-depends: base >= 4
ghc-options: -Wall
After the cabal build
, I can get the dynamic and static libraries compiled.
├── Setup.hs
├── chapter2.cabal
├── dist
│ ├── build
│ │ ├── Chapter2
│ │ ├── autogen
│ │ │ ├── Paths_chapter2.hs
│ │ │ └── cabal_macros.h
│ │ ├── libHSchapter2-0.1-ghc7.8.3.dylib <-- dynamic lib
│ │ └── libHSchapter2-0.1.a <-- static lib
│ ├── package.conf.inplace
│ └── setup-config
└── src
└── Chapter2
├── DataTypes.hs
├── DefaultValues.hs
├── Section2
│ └── Example.hs
└── SimpleFunctions.hs
Then, how can I use the library functions from other Haskell code (in both ghc and ghci)? For example, src/Chapter2/SimpleFunctions.hs has maxim
function, how can I invoke this function compiled in the form of Haskell library?
maxmin list = let h = head list
in if null (tail list)
then (h, h)
else ( if h > t_max then h else t_max
, if h < t_min then h else t_min )
where t = maxmin (tail list)
t_max = fst t
t_min = snd t