
I managed (with very much joy :D) to configure chan_mobile with asterisk 1.8 and my iPhone 4 and outgoing calls work nicely. I have issues with automatic answering incoming calls.

This is what my chan_mobile.conf looks like:

address = 11:11:11:11:11:11
id = box-1

address = 22:22:22:22:22:22
port = 8
context = from-test-phone
adapter = box-1

and in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf I added

exten => s,1,Answer()
exten => s,n,Wait(1)
exten => s,n,Hangup()

But when I call my mobile phone there is no answer.

The bluetooth device is paired and active

# rasterisk
> mobile show devices

ID              Address           Group Adapter         Connected State      SMS
iphone      22:22:22:22:22:22      0     box-1            Yes     Free       No 

Am I missing something?

If you open up Asterisk CLI with rasterisk, run "core set verbose 4" and "core set debug 4" and call your iPhone, what do you get in your terminal?user1938742
ok this is really a mistery, with verbose and debug 4 it works, back to 0 it doens't!!! Anyway really thank you dude :) debian*CLI> core set verbose 4 Verbosity was 0 and is now 4 debian*CLI> core set debug 4 Core debug was 0 and is now 4 -- Executing [s@from-test-phone:1] Answer("Mobile/iphone-6e3e", "") in new stack -- Executing [s@from-test-phone:2] Wait("Mobile/iphone-6e3e", "1") in new stack -- Executing [s@from-test-phone:3] Hangup("Mobile/iphone-6e3e", "") in new stack == Spawn extension (from-test-phone, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'Mobile/iphone-6e3e'z3d0
Don't edit questions with words "SOLVED", but rather provide an answer, so it's highlighted as such automatically.. This is a Q&A site.walther

1 Answers


Apparently it was enough to type

> core set verbose 4
> core set debug 4

thanks user1938742!