I am quite new to SAS, but as far as I know I need to run Proc Nlin procedure to estimate a curve fit. I have a time series data for around 100 days, so this means I will have to come up with output consisting of 100 sets of parameters. The input data I have in Excel is:
Date\Years 0,25 0,5 0,75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10
04/01/10 1,24 1,39 1,4865 1,583 2,319 2,373 2,948 2,964 3,342 3,287 3,642
05/01/10 1,26 1,39 1,4885 1,587 2,319 2,377 2,941 2,966 3,351 3,286 3,64
06/01/10 1,26 1,39 1,4895 1,589 2,318 2,376 2,945 2,974 3,32 3,276 3,635
07/01/10 1,25 1,39 1,49 1,59 2,332 2,376 2,955 2,976 3,349 3,369 3,641
08/01/10 1,25 1,39 1,4945 1,599 2,347 2,384 2,969 2,984 3,352 3,338 3,64
11/01/10 1,28 1,41 1,501 1,592 2,345 2,391 2,975 2,982 3,353 3,348 3,645
12/01/10 1,29 1,41 1,5055 1,601 2,336 2,389 2,991 2,981 3,396 3,354 3,643
13/01/10 1,31 1,43 1,5285 1,627 2,45 2,568 3,038 3,003 3,422 3,42 3,712
14/01/10 1,28 1,43 1,5265 1,623 2,424 2,558 3,04 2,998 3,384 3,287 3,686
15/01/10 1,28 1,42 1,5195 1,619 2,423 2,423 3,012 2,994 3,383 3,277 3,678
18/01/10 1,27 1,42 1,5195 1,619 2,424 2,597 3,012 2,991 3,359 3,386 3,666
19/01/10 1,29 1,44 1,5305 1,621 2,42 2,596 3,017 2,998 3,192 3,387 3,675
The model to be run:
proc nlin data=_3 method=newton;
parms a1 = 0.05 a2 = 0.05
a3 = 0.05 beta = 1;
model yield=a1+(a2+a3)*(beta/years)*(1-exp(-years/beta))-a3*exp(-years/beta);
So this models fits the data well for one day, but how do I make it run for every date in my sample and store the parameters in output?