Given the following set of values how do I configure the field to return values that are partial word matches but that also match the entire search term?
Texas State University
Stanford University
St. Johns College
Desired results examples:
Search Term: sta
Desired Results:
Texas State University
Stanford University
Search Term: stan
Desired Results:
Stanford University
Search Term: st un
Desired Results:
Texas State University
Stanford University
This is what I've tried so far:
<fieldType name="text" class="solr.TextField" omitNorms="false">
<tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" words="stopwords.txt"/>
<filter class="solr.StandardFilterFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.PorterStemFilterFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.EdgeNGramFilterFactory" minGramSize="2" maxGramSize="15" side="front"/>
I think my problem is with the EdgeNGramFilterFactory
. As shown above, the second search for stan
returns all three of the values shown instead of only Stanford
. But, without the EdgeNGramFilterFactory
, partial words don't match at all.
What is the correct configuration for a Solr field to return values that are partial word matches but that also match the entire search term?