
I'm new with Inno setup. I want the user to select during installation a different path to install e.g. the database (normaly it will be installed in ProgramData..). So I want to get the installation path dialog a second time for the database or any other files.

Any idea?


1 Answers


The easiest is to create custom page and show it before the installation (progress page) starts.

Prototype: function CreateCustomPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription: String): TWizardPage;

Description: Creates a custom wizard page. The page is empty by default; you have to create your own controls afterward and place them on the page (by setting their Parent properties to the Surface property of the TWizardPage instance returned by this function).

Example: See CodeClasses.iss for an example.

So create custom page, place some controls on it (file picker of directory picker) and show when needed.