
I'm invoking SWI-prolog from PHP, sending a question and getting result. I'm using exec() function for that:

$goal = "all_facts('S').";
$cmd = "/software/swipl/bin/swipl -f Domain.pl -g " . $goal . " -t halt";

The predicate all_facts() returns facts about counties, in this example - square.

There are a lot of facts about countries in Russian in the prolog file as it needed for my site. SWI-prolog returns an answer with Russian symbols and every thing is OK.

The problem rises when I'm trying to use Russian symbols in request, for example:

 $goal = "all_facts('Столица').";

Then I'm running this request exactly in SWI-prolog, I get the correct answer. But then I'm asking it from PHP, I don't get the answer at all.

So, I guess, bugs appear while sending request and SWI-prolog gets distorted question, so it can't find an answer.

I've already changed encoding of SWI-Prolog (using environment variable LANG), encoding of page, tried to change encoding of PHP exec (not sure, if it worked). Maybe, I really need to change PHP exec encoding, but I am doing it wrong.

How can I do it?

Just in case, part of the prolog file:

facts('Австралия','S', 7686850).
facts('Австрия', 'S', 83871).
facts('Азербайджан','S', 86600).
facts('Австралия','Столица', 'Канберра').
facts('Австрия', 'Столица', 'Вена').
facts('Азербайджан','Столица', 'Баку').
all_facts(C):- findall(X:Y, facts(X,C,Y), All), write(All).

PHP code:

    $goal = "all_facts('Столица').";
    $cmd = "/software/swipl/bin/swipl -f Domain.pl -g ".$goal." -t halt";

    if (exec($cmd)) {
        $output = exec($cmd);
    else {
        echo "Error!";

    $output = str_replace(array("[","]"), "", $output);
    $facts = explode(",", $output);
    $length = count($facts);
    echo "<ul>";
    for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) {
        $all_facts[$i]= explode(":", $facts[$i]);
        echo "<li>", $all_facts[$i][0], " - ", $all_facts[$i][1], "</li>";
    echo "</ul>";
How are you capturing the output of the all_facts/1 call?Paulo Moura
I've added php listing above.Lazola
Not familiar with PHP but your code seems fine. Did you experimented with facts contain only ASCII characters? So that you can confirm that's an encoding issue?Paulo Moura
Yes. When I've tested code with ASCII characters everything works fine. It works even when I recive russian characters from prolog. But it doesn't send them correctly.Lazola
I can only assume that you also checked the encoding the source file holding the PHP code and ensured that's the same used through your workflow?Paulo Moura

1 Answers


Based on the discussion on the comments, I suggest you add at the first line of the Domain.pl file the following directive:

:- encoding(utf8).

and ensure that the text editor used to edit the file saves it as a UTF-8 file. Your modified version of the all_facts/1 predicate should now write utf8.