I am new to cake php . I have following code
echo $this->Form->input('dob', array('type' => 'date', 'empty' => "Select", 'label' => 'Birthday', 'dateFormat' => 'MDY', 'minYear' => date('Y') - 120, 'maxYear' => date('Y'), 'selected' => array('month' => '','day' => '', 'year' => '')));
the above code displays select box which contains select then followed by month,day,year. Now I need to add N/A(Not applicable) option to it. In select box it should be like select then N/A then months, similarly select then N/A then day,select then N/A then year.
In select box it should be select N/A Month1 month2 month3... select N/A day1 day2 day3... select N/A year1 year2 year3