
I have my validation.yml set-up in my bundles Resources/config directory. I enabled the use of the validator in my config.yml:

    validation: { enabled: true, enable_annotations: false }


            - Length:
                min: 2
                max: 50
                minMessage: "Your string must be at least {{ limit }} characters long"
                maxMessage: "Your string cannot be longer than {{ limit }} characters long"

In my controller i'm doing:

$validator = $this->get('validator');
$errors = $validator->validate($searchModel);

I'm pretty sure (because I double checked) that property of the model to be validated is string(1) 1 char. (should be minimal 2!)

But a var_dump() of $errors is stating:

object(Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationList)#327 (1) {
    array(0) {

Thus, no errors are thrown. How can I solve this? I want the validator to work :)


I got it to work (for now) with a work-around. I added a loadValidatorMetaData method to the (SearchModel) class to validate.

public static function loadValidatorMetadata(ClassMetadata $metadata)
            new Assert\Length(
                array('min' => 2, 'minMessage' => 'Error message.')

When checking $validator->validate($searchModel); it returns the error, thus validations are working. But not with the .yml file :(

Start with the example in the docs: symfony.com/doc/current/book/…. Replace 'pretty sure' with absolutely sure by testing with a new instance of your search model. It's possible the cache needs clearing. And your validation file lives in a Symfony 2 bundle which is loaded in your AppKernel?Cerad
Thanks for the answer. I retested it, cleared the cache for the right env. Also my validation.yml looks correct. Still nothing. Is it possible that it only works for models in the entity directory?Faiawuks
It will work for all objects. Double check the fully qualified name. Maybe a typo in the namespace?Cerad
MyBundle\AppBundle is a bit suspicious. I would have expected MyProject\AppBundleCerad
Are you sure MyBundle\AppBundle is the correct namespace?Cerad

1 Answers


I setup a little test case and got no errors. I added a NotBlank constraint and got an error when search was blank.

        - Length:
            min: 2
            max: 5
            minMessage: "Your string must be at least {{ limit }} characters long"
            maxMessage: "Your string cannot be longer than {{ limit }} characters long"
        - NotBlank: ~

I then set my search to one char

class SearchModel
    public $search = 'a';

And it triggered the min length error.

I read through the Length docs: http://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/constraints/Length.html. Sure seems like a zero length string should trigger an error.

In any event, add a NotBlank constraint and you should be good to go.

I checked the code:

namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints;

class LengthValidator extends ConstraintValidator

public function validate($value, Constraint $constraint)
    if (null === $value || '' === $value) {

So I guess this is what is known as an undocumented 'feature'. A string length of zero is not considered to be less than min! Be curious to see if there is a bug report on this. But again, NotBlank will work. You can always adjust the error message so the user will know the limits.