
I am trying to create a bar char in action 3 script. But for some reason I am getting 2 y-axis and no x axis.

Can some one help spot the error. I have said "placement " bottom.

The chart creation method is "getBarChartData", this method when invoked creates a barchart and adds it to a canvas.

This section is visible completely and can be called on a button click.

For some reason, the CDATA section is interfering with the preview of the snippet.

The standalone code snippet is below.

 public var QUANTITY:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
   {date:"22-Aug-05", quantity:1575.9},
   {date:"23-Aug-05", quantity:1603.},
   {date:"24-Aug-05", quantity:1507.1},
   {date:"25-Aug-05", quantity:1568.8},

private function getBarChartData(evt:MouseEvent):void{

 var title:String = "ASDFZXCVB";

 var pnlChart:Panel = new Panel();
 pnlChart.title = title;
 pnlChart.height = 750;
  var categoryAxisDate:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
  categoryAxisDate.categoryField = "date";

  var linearVolumeAxis:LinearAxis = new LinearAxis();
  linearVolumeAxis.minimum = 1500;
  linearVolumeAxis.maximum = 1700;

  var colChart:ColumnChart = new ColumnChart();
  colChart.showDataTips = true;

   var horizontalAxisDateRenderer:AxisRenderer = new AxisRenderer();
   horizontalAxisDateRenderer.axis = categoryAxisDate;
   horizontalAxisDateRenderer.placement = "bottom";

   var quantityRenderer:AxisRenderer = new AxisRenderer();
   quantityRenderer.axis = linearVolumeAxis;
   quantityRenderer.placement = "left";



    var quantityColumnSeries:ColumnSeries = new ColumnSeries();
    quantityColumnSeries.horizontalAxis = categoryAxisDate;
    quantityColumnSeries.displayName ="QUANTITY";
    quantityColumnSeries.dataProvider = QUANTITY;
    quantityColumnSeries.verticalAxis = linearVolumeAxis;







           <mx:Button label="Submit" click="getBarChartData(event)"  x="293" y="4"/>

Something looks off w/ the code you've pasted.. there seem to be stray curly brackets throughout it. Are those in your real code, or was that a pasting error?quoo
I did paste the whole working code, but it appears that the CDATA imports are not being recognised. when i try to edit the post I do see the code in there, but the preview is not showing it. What can be done to fix it.Shah Al
I just verified again, I have the x axis defined. I have associated it with renderer. And is added to column Chart. horizontalAxisDateRenderer.axis = categoryAxisDate; colChart.horizontalAxisRenderers.push(horizontalAxisDateRenderer); quantityColumnSeries.horizontalAxis = categoryAxisDate; What Am i missing ? An help is appreciated.Shah Al
Also, If you change placement from "bottom" to "Top", the axis shifts from left to right. But leaves us with 2 y axis.Shah Al

1 Answers


try to add it with MXML like so:

<mx:ColumnChart id="chart" dataProvider="{QUANTITY}">

This worked for me... Ladislav