
I have ubuntu linux server. I had postgresql 9.3 installed on it, but to install an extension I mistakenly upgraded the postgresql server to 9.4. Still everything was running fine, but after the server restart I am not been able to connect to postgresql 9.3, I get the error could not connect to server: No such file or directory , Is the server running locally and accepting connections on unix domain socket "var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

If I look at var/run/postgresql, I don't see .s.PGSQL.5432 but a .s.PGSQLl.5433. I need to connect to postgresql on port 5432 as all my databases are on it. Could someone please tell, how can I access postgresql server on port 5432 without loosing any data.


1 Answers


Ubuntu allows for several versions of PostgreSQL to be run simultaneously. See from process list (ps aux) that the 9.3 @ 5432 is indeed running; if not, start it with sudo service postgresql start 9.3.