I have a Primefaces [<p:dataScroller />][2]
that I am using to display a list of lazy-loaded items. My JSF code looks something like this:
<p:dataScroller id="scroller" value="#{myAction.myDataModel}" var="item" lazy="true" chunkSize="10">
<h3>Here is my item : <h:outputText value="#{item.name}" /></h3>
This code works with no problem. My backing code is able to lazy-load the items from the database on an as-needed basis, rather than pulling them all at once and paginating on the client side. However, now I would like to add an <h:commandLink />
within the datascroller and perform an Ajax submit, but only re-render the item that was clicked. My backing action would update the state of my item and I would display a different message based on this state. I thought I could do something like this:
<p:dataScroller id="scroller" value="#{myAction.myDataModel}" var="item" lazy="true" chunkSize="10">
<h:panelGroup id="#{item.name}" layout="block">
<h3>Here is my item : <h:outputText value="#{item.name}" /></h3>
<h:commandLink action="#{myAction.foo()}" value="Click here">
<f:ajax render="#{item.name}" />
...however, I've now learned that I can't have dynamic IDs within JSF, so the render of my <h:panelGroup />
fails. I can have the render
attribute value of <f:ajax />
set to my JSF form, but that re-renders everything from scratch, which is not the desired behavior.
If I have 100 items displayed in my <p:dataScroller />
and I click on the link on item 30, is there any way to have only that item render? Is there a better way to handle this use case? Or am I completely stuck?