
I want to track number of app install via Facebook ads app install. I have registered my app at Facebook Developer(http://developers.facebook.com/), completed App Settings Page and App Detail Page.

Will it work without integrating Facebook SDK in the application ??

Do i need to add following code in the Application delegate or not ??

[FBSettings setDefaultAppID:YOUR_APP_ID];
[FBAppEvents activateApp];

Can i track the Facebook ads app install without any kind of coding in the application??

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about Facebook's Ads products and not about programming for Facebook's APIIgy
From the Facebook Ads FAQ page: "To measure installs, you need to register your app and either integrate our SDK or work with a Mobile Measurement Partner."Zippy

1 Answers


You can setup ads with an objective of mobile app installs without needing app integration via FB's SDKs, yes. Just follow the directions for these ads and set the appropriate call to action and tracking specs accordingly.

But much like the feedback loop of website conversion ads with conversion pixel tracking, to get useful data from mobile app install ads you'll want to have install reporting from within your app.