
The code below gives an error "No value given for one or more parameters" and stops at the line : rs.open qry, cn

However if the other qry which is currently commented out (SELECT * FROM CallData) is executed, then the code runs without any problem.

What modifications do I need to make for the code to run correctly with the GROUP BY Query?

Dim cn As Object Dim rs As Object Dim qry As String Dim Insertws As Worksheet Dim strConnectString As String Set Insertws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("temp") Insertws.Cells.Clear strConnectString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\corpfiler09\26663700_N01\NewAstt\ASTT.MDB;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=test;" 'Connect Database; insert a new table Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'qry = "SELECT * FROM CallData;" qry = "SELECT Bank, Count(Bank) from CallData where TicketDate = Date GROUP BY Bank" cn.Open strConnectString rs.Open qry, cn
When access thinks a parameter is required it actually means it doesn't recognise a keyword. If Date is a function you probably need to use this instead: Date() (as per Jens answer)Nick.McDermaid

1 Answers


I'd write the query like this:

SELECT CallData.Bank, Count(CallData.Bank) AS CountOfBank
FROM CallData
GROUP BY CallData.Bank, CallData.TicketDate
HAVING (((CallData.TicketDate)=Date()));