I am trying to execute a try catch block within a while loop. When I ask the user to enter a number (which should be a double) I use a try catch to catch any input mismatch exceptions. I nested this inside a while loop so that if any exceptions are caught, the user may re-enter their input as necessary. The problem is that if an exception is caught, the scanner will not allow the user to re-enter their input for some reason. The errors are caught during the second iteration when you return to the line that says hours = kb.nextDouble. Here is the code.
boolean condition = true;
while(condition==true) {
try {
// prompt user to enter hours of service used
System.out.println("Please enter the number of hours of service you have used: ");
hours = kb.nextDouble();
// validate hours
while(hours <=0){
System.out.println("You must enter a positive number.");
hours = kb.nextDouble();
} condition = false;
} catch (InputMismatchException ime){
System.out.println("You must enter a decimal value for hours.");