
We are trying to evaluate Keycloak as an SSO solution, and it looks good in many respects, but the documentation is painfully lacking in the basics.

For a given Keycloak installation on http://localhost:8080/ for realm test, what are the OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint, OAuth2 Token Endpoint and OpenID Connect UserInfo Endpoint ?

We are not interested in using Keycloak's own client library, we want to use standard OAuth2 / OpenID Connect client libraries, as the client applications using the keycloak server will be written in a wide range of languages (PHP, Ruby, Node, Java, C#, Angular). Therefore the examples that use the Keycloak client aren't of use for us.

What did you end up using instead ?Ced
We were finally able to convince upstairs that OAuth has nothing to do with login and security as a technology to use in the application itself, and is only relevant for integrating with 3rd parties. It was difficult to explain the fact that Google & FB using it everywhere has no relevance to us.Amir Abiri
@AmirAbiri wouldn't say it's used for 3rd party integration only. That's its main use nowadays, but, being a protocol that more and more internet companies support, might make sense too if you're dealing with multiple applications (or microservices) in your own enterprise environment and you want a SSO solution. Actually in my case, having used keycloak for more than 10 months now, I think it might also deserve for simple applications, as it takes care of all the user management stuff.Xtreme Biker

9 Answers


For Keycloak 1.2 the above information can be retrieved via the url


For example, if the realm name is demo:


An example output from above url:

    "issuer": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo",
    "authorization_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/auth",
    "token_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token",
    "userinfo_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo",
    "end_session_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/logout",
    "jwks_uri": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/certs",
    "grant_types_supported": [
    "response_types_supported": [
    "subject_types_supported": [
    "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
    "response_modes_supported": [

Found information at https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-571

Note: You might need to add your client to the Valid Redirect URI list


With version 1.9.3.Final, Keycloak has a number of OpenID endpoints available. These can be found at /auth/realms/{realm}/.well-known/openid-configuration. Assuming your realm is named demo, that endpoint will produce a JSON response similar to this.

  "issuer": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo",
  "authorization_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/auth",
  "token_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token",
  "token_introspection_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect",
  "userinfo_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo",
  "end_session_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/logout",
  "jwks_uri": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/certs",
  "grant_types_supported": [
  "response_types_supported": [
    "id_token token",
    "code id_token",
    "code token",
    "code id_token token"
  "subject_types_supported": [
  "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
  "response_modes_supported": [
  "registration_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/clients-registrations/openid-connect"

As far as I have found, these endpoints implement the Oauth 2.0 spec.


Actually link to .well-know is on the first tab of your realm settings - but link doesn't look like link, but as value of text box... bad ui design. Screenshot of Realm's General Tab


After much digging around we were able to scrape the info more or less (mainly from Keycloak's own JS client lib):

  • Authorization Endpoint: /auth/realms/{realm}/tokens/login
  • Token Endpoint: /auth/realms/{realm}/tokens/access/codes

As for OpenID Connect UserInfo, right now (1.1.0.Final) Keycloak doesn't implement this endpoint, so it is not fully OpenID Connect compliant. However, there is already a patch that adds that as of this writing should be included in 1.2.x.

But - Ironically Keycloak does send back an id_token in together with the access token. Both the id_token and the access_token are signed JWTs, and the keys of the token are OpenID Connect's keys, i.e:

"iss":  "{realm}"
"sub":  "5bf30443-0cf7-4d31-b204-efd11a432659"
"name": "Amir Abiri"
"email: "..."

So while Keycloak 1.1.x is not fully OpenID Connect compliant, it does "speak" in OpenID Connect language.


In version 1.9.0 json with all endpoints is at address /auth/realms/{realm}

  • Authorization Endpoint: /auth/realms/{realm}/account
  • Token Endpoint: /auth/realms/{realm}/protocol/openid-connect

You can also see this information by going into Admin Console -> Realm Settings -> Clicking the hyperlink on the Endpoints field.

enter image description here


keycloak version: 4.6.0

  • TokenUrl: [domain]/auth/realms/{REALM_NAME}/protocol/openid-connect/token
  • AuthUrl: [domain]/auth/realms/{REALM_NAME}/protocol/openid-connect/auth

Following link Provides JSON document describing metadata about the Keycloak


Following information reported with Keycloak 6.0.1 for master realm

      "id_token token",
      "code id_token",
      "code token",
      "code id_token token"


you will see everything here, plus if the identity provider is also Keycloak then feeding this URL will setup everything also true with other identity providers if they support and they already handled it