I do np.fft.fft() to decompose discrete-signal to frequencies. Then I pick top N freqs and now I want to draw a signal of the sum of those frequencies using the following formula :
amp * np.sin( 2 * np.pi * freq * time + phase )
I extract the freqs based on their position in the array (fftfreqs), amplitudes with np.abs(complex_num) and phases with np.angle(complex_num, deg=True), from the data I got from from fft() call.
It does not seem to work very well.
What I'm doing wrong ? Do I understand correctly that the complex-num contains the amp&phase of sinusoid ? Do I have to use sin&cos for the drawing ? The documentation is very sparse on exact interpretation of the result of fft().
PS> I know I can use np.fft.ifft() to draw close approximation, but this way of doing it is limited to the time-frame of the original signal. I want to draw/fit the original signal with the top N freqs in the original timeframe, but also to draw the "continuation" of the signal after this timeframe using those freqs i.e. the extended signal.
parameter normally does not play well withsin()
. Posting some runnable code would ease to investigate what is not working well. – Dietrich