
i am using Mac os x Yosemite version 10.10.1 And Eclipse Luna 4.4

i integrated Android SDK into Eclipse and it showing the Following Error

when i open the project its says like this

i searched in net and i came to know that this problem is based on java JDK version problem.

in My mac i installed JDK 1.6 and 1.7 and 1.8 as well.

i know JDK 1.6 will not support for android 5. so in Eclipse i set the java compiler to JDK 1.7 but after setting if i restart the Eclipse its again setting to JDK 1.6 .

My question is which JDK will support the Android SDK in Mac. And How to completely uninstall the JDK 1.6 from my mac machine.

i am facing this problem for last two days but i can not get the solution yet. can anyone kindly help to overcome this problem.

My simple need is i wants to run the Android in mac machine .

What do you mean, "i know JDK 1.6 will not support for android 5"?nitind
@nitind i have installed JDk 1.6 in windows machine its not supported in android 5John

3 Answers


The problem is solved . after searching lots of this i got the solution.

The answer is

Eclipse should be 64 bit version, and to use android the java JDK should be 1.7


Update to Eclipse Luna 64 bit with at least JDK 1.7 and I nearly guarantee everything will work.