
Can I use XPath Builder under Developer Center inside Sitecore Shell to select all items below a node and filter it by if field exists, single line text field? With a fast query (not limited by the Query.MaxItems setting)

for example somethings like: fast://sitecore/content//*[@#my field# != '' ]

But this query make no difference between empty and field does not exist, I want the empty ones in my result and not the items where the field not exsist.

Don't think its possible with sitecore query. You may have to use linq to sitecore instead.xoail
I don't think is posible, why you don't query by template? You know all the templates that contains your field.Vlad Iobagiu
Right, by query the templates I can do my query.Jan Bluemink

1 Answers


Here is an article talking about how to fix Fast query to search by field: http://www.agehrke.com/2014/12/fixing-sitecore-fast-query-querying-by-field-id/

Otherwise something like this would work:

   Item[] items = Sitecore.Context.Database.SelectItems("/sitecore/content//*[@MyField != '']")

Or use an index:

public IEnumerable<SearchExample> Example()
            using (var context = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex(GlobalIndex).CreateSearchContext())
                var query = context.GetQueryable<SearchExample>()
                    .Where(item => item.MyField != null)                    
                return query;