
I have a problem in using auctex 11.88 with emacs:

Whenever I try to open a .tex-File the following error message appears:

Loading /home/schmidt/.emacs.d/elpa/auctex-11.88.2/style/wrapfig.elc...
load: Symbol's value as variable is void: LaTeX-dialect

When I try to load the file a second time, everything works. It seems to me that latex.el where this variable is set, does not work correctly when opening the file for the first time. This is how I initialize auctex in my .emacs file:

(load "tex-site.el" nil t t)
(load "auctex.el" nil t t)

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Which emacs version are you using ? If you have Emacs 24 you should install it using the package manager: (require 'package) (package-initialize) (package-install 'auctex)homeless
You don't need any of those two loads you have in your ~/.emacs since the package is installed via ELPA and hence is automatically setup for you.Stefan
I am using Emacs 24 and I have installed the package via the package manager. Removing the two lines from my .emacs file did not solve the problem, unfortunately.user4583082
Are you sure you don't have other installation of AUCTeX on your system?giordano

1 Answers


In my case I could fix this problem by removing the line

(tool-bar-mode -1)

from my .emacs.