I have a code like below, and it works fine. It clears the screen, puts some color in color memory of first 12 characters on screen, and prints a text on the screen.
jsr $e544
ldx #$00
lda #3
loopclr: sta $d800,x
cpx #$0c
bne loopclr
ldx #$00
lda #0
loop: lda message,x
sta $0400,x
cpx #$0c
bne loop
message: .byte "Hello "
.byte "World!"
What I wonder is, if there's an easier way to change the text color in C64 Assembly, like POKE 646,color
Edit: I thought I need to be more clear, I can use
lda #color
sta 646
But it doesn't affect the text put on screen by assembly code in 1024+.
Is there an address that affects all characters put on screen?
Edit: I think I know the answer, no.