
I'm running a cygnus instance in a Fi-Lab vm. I've compiled it from branch release/0.6.0. Everything is working except that Hive extended tables for context updates are not created. Cygnus is succesfully receiving updates from Orion, they are forwarded to Cosmos and the HDFS files are created.

The cygnus log says Creating Hive external table=... and does not raise any error. Then, if I log into the cosmos head node, I can see the HDFS files created, but if I use the Hive console, the tables are not there.

If I type SHOW TABLES; in the Hive console, I can see some tables that end with _row and _column, so I guess it is working for others.

Any hint? Should I use another version of cygnus?


1 Answers


Finally I found the problem. Flume is using libthrift 0.7 but cygnus needs 0.9. The solution is in the README (at the end of section Installing Cygnus and its dependencies (from sources)) but I skipped it. You have to manually overwrite the jar file in the Flume bin distribution with the 0.9 version.