I have a Synchronous plugin that runs when any opportunity create/delete/update. And in Plugin if any error comes i have made a function which insert log into database.
In table one field if EntityId, so i am writing the following code :
foreach (PropertyBagEntry entry in (IEnumerable<PropertyBagEntry>)context.InputParameters.Values)
DynamicEntity entity = (DynamicEntity)entry.Value;
foreach (Property property in (IEnumerable<Property>)entity.Properties)
if (property.GetType().Name == "KeyProperty")
str4 = ((Key)entity.Properties[property.Name]).Value.ToString();
In str4 i am getting EntityId of current process.
But it gives one exception very frequently :
Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'ValueCollection[System.String,System.Object]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.PropertyBagEntry]'
And i have identified that the following line is giving error
foreach (PropertyBagEntry entry in (IEnumerable)context.InputParameters.Values)
Anyone have idea to convert this line in another way ?