I running this query in PHP/SQLite 3 (PDO)
Scenario: a new driver is inserted into drivers table and an existing car is immediately linked to him:
- driver_id [PK]
- driver_name
- car_id [PK]
fk_driver_id [FK]
$qr = "INSERT INTO drivers (driver_name) VALUES ('{$_GET['driver_name']}'); COMMIT; UPDATE cars SET fk_driver_id=( SELECT last_insert_rowid() ) WHERE car_id={$_GET['car_id']};"; $stmt = $dbh->prepare($qr); $result = $stmt->execute();
It inserts the driver but does not UPDATE the cars table and produces no error either.
It works if I use the same query using SQLite Spy.
In PHP it will only if I break it in two parts:
$qr = "INSERT INTO drivers (driver_name) VALUES ('{$_GET['driver_name']}'); COMMIT; ";
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($qr);
$result = $stmt->execute();
$qr = "UPDATE cars SET fk_driver_id=( SELECT last_insert_rowid() ) WHERE car_id={$_GET['car_id']};";
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($qr);
$result = $stmt->execute();
What is wrong in the PHP code if it won't work in one single statement?
is even possible? – CL.