E.g. suppose I have a module that implements gen_server behavior, and it has
handle_call({foo, Foo}, _From, State) ->
{reply, result(Foo), State}
I can reach this handler by doing gen_server:call(Server, {foo, Foo}) from some other process (I guess if a gen_server tries to gen_server:call itself, it will deadlock). But gen_server:call blocks on response (or timeout). What if I don't want to block on the response?
Imaginary use-case: Suppose I have 5 of these gen_servers, and a response from any 2 of them is enough for me. What I want to do is something like this:
OnResponse -> fun(Response) ->
% blah
fun(S) ->
gen_server:async_call(S, {foo, Foo}, OnResponse)
Result = wait_for_two_responses(Timeout),
I know that gen_server has cast, but cast has no way to provide any response, so I don't think that that's what I want in this case. Also, seems like it should not be the gen_server's concern whether caller wants to handle response synchronously (using gen_server:call) or async (does not seem to exist?).
Also, the server is allowed to provide response asynchronously by having handle_call return no_reply and later calling gen_server:reply. So why not also support handling response asynchronously on the other side? Or does that exist, but I'm just failing to find it??
is for? – CoderDennishandle_call
is for synchronous methods andhandle_cast
is for async. Sending a message back to the sender is the perfect way to do async. Don't fight it. – CoderDennis