I looked and didn't find any answer. I have 2 spreadsheets. One has 7,000 items the other has 2,000. I need to copy the description of the parts listed in the second spreadsheet from the first on to the second. Below is an example.
Item Description *other-field* *other-field* *other-field*
#8402 example des. example text example text example text
#0383 example des. example text example text example text
#8932 example des. example text example text example text
#9275 example des. example text example text example text
#8735 example des. example text example text example text
and 7,000 more under
so this would be sheet one. I need to have a formula that takes the description of the items listed in sheet two(example below) and copy them from sheet1 to sheet2.
Item Description *other-field* *other-field*
#0383 no des. example text example text
#8735 no des. example text example text
#9275 no des. example text example text
and many more
So I need a formula that searches column 1 from sheet2 in sheet1 and copy's description for the ones it finds match. and transfers description to the items in sheet2
One question: my second sheet is on a different file is there a way to permanently transfer this information? Because if I delete the 7,000 list the descriptions on my 2,000 will dissapear. Thanks again.