I am working on VBA code in excel and i have the following piece of code
Set strModel = Right(rng.Offset(0, 13).Value, Len(rng.Offset(0, 13).Value) - 4)
When I run the code I get a compile error to debug and it reads Object Required
. What is it asking me to do?
This is a larger piece of the code:
strHSLtemp = "C:\Users\Desktop\To Do\MidDay Orders Macro Tool\Temp Files\HSL Orders Temp.xlsx"
wbHSLtemp = Dir(strHSLtemp)
Set wbHSLtemp = Workbooks.Open(strHSLtemp)
Set wsHSLtemp = wbHSLtemp.Sheets(1)
Dim arrModels() As String, strModel As String, blMultipleModels As Boolean, rngModel As range, lngModels As Long
Dim rng As range
Set strModel = Right(rng.Offset(0, 13).Value, Len(rng.Offset(0, 13).Value) - 4) 'strip off leading "HSL-"
strModel = Replace(strModel, " / ", "/") 'get rid of the spaces that appear to surround the forward slash
If InStr(1, strModel, "/") > 0 Then 'yep, there are multiples
blMultipleModels = True
blMultipleModels = False
End If
If blMultipleModels = False Then 'just assign the model and move on in the outer loop
wsHSLtemp.Cells(lastrowOutput, 12) = strModel
is used with variables which contain reference to objects. With values theLet
can be used, but is optional and mostly ommited. So if you would like to be absolutely correct you can useLet strModel = "..."
. – Daniel Dušek