How do I remove a newly added row from a gridpanel? The gridpanel is bound to a store.
I use:
It works fine on existing records in the grid, the record is removed from the grid directly, but when I add a record and want to remove it right away, it isn't 'removed' form the grid.
The api is called, so the record is 'removed from the database' and the record is indeed gone when I do e.g. a browser refresh.
Does anyone knows how this works? Thanks in advance.
Store configurations
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
model: 'Iziezie.model.animal.doggywood.animal',
proxy: {
type: 'baseProxy',
api: {
create: '../php/api/doggywood_animals.php?request=create',
read: '../php/api/doggywood_animals.php?request=read',
update: '../php/api/doggywood_animals.php?request=update',
destroy: '../php/api/doggywood_animals.php?request=destroy'
New records is added by form:
var store = gridpanel.getStore();
var model = Ext.ModelMgr.getModel(store.model);
var record = model.create();
store.insert(0, record);
On form submit
var record = frm.getRecord();;
On remove:
var sm = gridpanel.getSelectionModel();
var record = sm.getLastSelected();
var store = gridpanel.getStore();