
I've written some VBA code hosted in Access 2010 to clean up a Excel 4.0 workbook that contains unwanted AutoRun macros - as I was only interested in the data, it seemed a good idea to copy the specific worksheet to a new Excel 2010 workbook instead.

However, when the VBA gets to the .Copy statement, I get error:

1004 Method 'Copy' of object '_Worksheet' failed.

This isn't the MS bug with multiple copies, or not saving before copying, etc. This is trying to copy into an existing workbook. Whilst this error code seems popular here, I can't find an approach and/or answer that works for me.

The problematic part of the code:

Dim varFile As Variant
Dim varNewFile As Variant
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWbk As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWb2 As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSht As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlSh2 As Object 'will be a member of the Sheets collection (not worksheets)

'filenames - constPath is a constant defining the pathname to the folder
varFile = constPath & "\site.xls"
varNewFile = constPath & "\sitenew.xlsx"

'create instance of Excel, open source workbook and point to worksheet
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlWbk = GetObject(varFile)
Set xlSht = xlWbk.Worksheets("sites")

'open destination workbook (already exists)
Set xlWb2 = GetObject(varNewFile)
    'rename worksheet with same name
    For Each xlSh2 In xlWb2.Sheets
        If xlSh2.Name = "sites" Then
            xlSh2.Name = "sitesOLD"
        End If
    Next xlSh2
'this next statement is where it fails
    'copy across worksheet into existing workbook
    xlSht.Copy Before:=xlWb2.Sheets(1)

I've examined the source data and there doesn't appear to be issues with the cell values in terms of length (it's name and address information, plus a few Yes/No indicators).

Add this line - "xlSht.Activate" before copying. Hope this will solve your issue.Paresh J
the .Activate doesn't make a difference. I've also tried copying to a new workbook, so I think it's the source workbook or worksheet that is the issue here. If I try this manually, it all works...Mark Wickett
Try "xlWk.Activate" before copyingParesh J

1 Answers


There could be numerous reasons for this. Does putting xlApp.xlSht.Copy work?