I just stumbled on to Ember Data Polymorphic Relationships. I think they would be useful for what I am working on. Here is my main model. This model defines a has many relationship with topics thats both async and polymorphic.
App.Source = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
type: DS.attr('string'),
locationType: DS.attr('string'),
locationSpecific: DS.attr('boolean'),
primary: DS.attr('boolean'),
published: DS.attr('boolean'),
sort: DS.attr('number'),
topics: DS.hasMany('topic', {
async: true,
polymorphic: true
Next we have the Topics with a Base class being 'Topic'
App.Topic = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
sort: DS.attr('number'),
source: DS.belongsTo('source')
App.RegTopic = App.Topic.extend({
test: DS.attr('number', {
defaultValue: 8
notes: DS.hasMany('notes', {
async: true
App.SummaryTopic = App.Topic.extend({
number: DS.attr('number', {
defaultValue: 9
and here is how I call to get the topics
App.TopicsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return this.modelFor('source').get('topics');
When I list the sources, I get a list of the following objects back
id: 1
name: "test"
type: "testType"
locationType: "international"
locationSpecific: "true"
primary: true
published: true
sort: 1
links: {
topics: "/topics?sourceId=1"
then my topic call gets objects like these back
id: 4
sourceId: 1
name: Topic 4
type: "regTopic"
sort: 1
Am I missing something? Can you not use polymorphic relationships with the 'links' object?
From my understanding of the Polymorphic Relationship, when I make the call to /topics?sourceId=1 its should be essentially loading 2 different topics in one call so then I can display the regTopic and summaryTopic on the same page but in seperate lists and keep them as seperate objects?
Here is an updated jsbin, that seems close to working. http://emberjs.jsbin.com/medojitibo/1/edit?html,js,console,output
The issue I am seeing it that in my controller, the topics are all App.Topic in the list. There is no App.RegTopic or App.SummaryTopic