
we have following situation:

  • we have an application on Google App Engine (GAE)
  • we want to be able to access this application from 3 different custom URLs through HTTPS. (let's say a.com, b.com, c.com)
  • we have Unified communiction (UC/SAN) SSL certificate for those three domains
  • for accessing GAE applications through custom HTTPS URLs, GAE requires to have Google Apps for Work account.
  • only primary domains of Goole Apps for Work accounts can be used for accessing GAE applications through custom domains over HTTPS. link
  • so we've created 3 Google Apps for Work accounts
  • now when I log in to admin.google.com for a.com and try to upload our SSL UC/SAN certificate covering our 3 domains, I get a message "The SSL certificate references subdomain outside of managed domain.". I infer that it comes from requirement

    All subject names on the host certificate should match or be subdomains of the domains associated with the account in the Google Apps Control Panel.

How can this be resolved ?

Is it possible at all to access one GAE application through multiple custom domains over HTTPS by using one certificate ? Or do we have to get separate certificate for each custom domain?


1 Answers


From Google's docs it looks like they do support SAN [1], however it seems only in the case of subdomains. Since you have a Google Apps for Work account, you have access to technical support (admin.google.com -> Support) and this seems like it would be a good question for them (ie. "Can I use a SAN cert with multiple second-level domains with Google Apps, or is it subdomain only?").

[1] https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/ssl