I've been given a coding exercise to get me up to speed with MATLAB, but I'm having a bit of an issue getting out what I need.
I am trying to numerically integrate the Gaussian probability function on given intervals (variable bins). I am trying to do this by using the trapezoidal rule. I would expect the sum of all those integrals to be close to one, however what I'm getting in my results is getting smaller (for example, attaining a value of 0.5 when I set the variable bins to 100).
What I'm essentially doing is subdividing the x-axis into "bins", and taking the integral of a Gaussian PDF along the points contained within the bins. So, for example, say that I have the x-axis running from 0 to 19.9, incrementing by 0.1, so I have 200 "points". Now, say that I want to have ten bins. Then, each bin will contain 20 points, and I need to perform an integral approximation between every point in each bin.
Now, I've kind of got the following happening so far;
%Sets location of the Gaussian PDF
s_1 = 5;
s_2 = 15;
%Sets the domain of the x-axis
x = [0:0.1:19.9];
%Sets the number of bins, and the size of each bin
b = 100;
points = numel(x);
binsize = (points)/b;
%Arranges all of the prescribed x-values into their necessary bins
t = reshape(x,binsize,b);
%Calculates p(r_n|s_n)
for i = 1:b
r_s1(i) = trapz(t(:,i),normpdf(t(:,i),s_1));
r_s2(i) = trapz(t(:,i),normpdf(t(:,i),s_2));
Now, for a small number of bins (say, 10), the approximation comes out quite nicely, and the sums of the elements of r_s1 and r_s2 both come out relatively close to 1 (as the integral of the Gaussian PDF should be 1). However, as I start bumping up the sizes of my bins, the value of this sum starts dropping. All things considered, I'd have expected it to stay around the same value.
Is this an error in my mathematical approach to the problem I've been posed, or have I messed up my code??
if you don't do integration from-Inf
as the support of the GPDF is infinite. So basically your integration rule is overestimating and will become more accurate with finer bins. – knedlsepp0.5
? To ask: What am I doing wrong, you must first explain what your goal is. I can't find it in your question. – knedlsepp