I recently migrated my NetBeans Platform (NBP) based application from Ant to Maven. I pretty much figured Maven out but there's one thing I still cannot get my head around, and that is the version system/convention.
It seems that everyone in the Maven world with a large Maven project consisting of multiple modules uses a parent pom in which they define a version, which is then inherited by all child pom's (i.e. all NBP Modules in Maven NetBeans RCP project).
For instance, take a look at the final result of the example project in the maven book: http://books.sonatype.com/mvnex-book/reference/optimizing-sect-final-poms.html
You will see one version defined by the parent POM,
which is inherited by each child module, by specifying the parent and not using any tag of its own:
and for its internal (within the project) dependencies each child module defines this relative to the project:
This means that you cannot update one module to a higher version because it will then look for dependencies with the same version number, which don't exist. Not to mention that using a separate version for any of your child modules gives you headaches when using the versions-maven-plugin because you end up micromanaging your dependencies.
This seems to completely go against the AutoUpdate / Lifecycle / Release philosophy of the NetBeans Platform. There I could update one module and generate a new updates.xml ("Package as NBMs") and when uploaded to an AutoUpdate repository, a client will see just that one update. It seems that if you do it the Maven way (mvn nbm:autoupdate
), all modules get a version bump so that the whole model of auto updating via modules goes down the drain.
I hope I am mistaken and there is somewhere a feature to restore the great autoupdate functionality that comes with the platform, some kind of extra version number that automatically gets added to the major.minor.revision number or some intelligent way to override OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version = major.minor.revision
in between releases versions. Is there or do I have to release a new version of my application for each tiny update to a client module?