
I the following code, I have evidence of R[A] and B is a subtype of A, so I would expect foo to infer the type of A and use the RA evidence. However, scalac refuses to do so.

trait R[T]

case class A(i: Int)

object A {

  implicit object RA extends R[A]


class B(i: Int) extends A(i)

def foo[T](x : T)(implicit ev: R[T]) = 0

println(foo(new B(1))) // infers T as B and fails to find implicit R[B]

println(foo(new B(1) : A)) // Works, but undesirable

I tried this:

def foo[T, TT >: T](x : T)(implicit ev: R[TT]) = 0

But it still does not work.

Now, if I define:

def foo[T](x : T)(implicit ev: R[TT] forSome {type TT <: T}) = 0

inference works, but in my actual code I need to refer to TT.

Edit: now that I've moved A's evidence to the A companion object, this solution seems to not work anymore. In a realistic setting, the evidence will always be in the companion object and implicit search has to find it.

Another solution is to make my evidence contravariant but this causes a lot of trouble for me like inferring Nothing and other problems (My actual code is more complex than this simplified example).

How can I make this work correctly?

There is no nice solution AFAIK. Type inference isn't and can't be reliable in the presence of subtyping. Depending on your use case you might want to use a "smart constructor" (companion object apply method) for B that declares its return type as A, so that B(1) has type A.lmm
See the following conversation with Miles Sabin on the Shapeless Gitter channel: gitter.im/milessabin/shapeless?at=54df94f11443703854e6bc47Jonathan Chayat
This question came up while developing marblesJonathan Chayat

1 Answers


You could use

def foo[T, TT](x : T)(implicit ev: R[_ >: T] with R[TT]) = 0

and refer to TT.

Edit: The following code uses contravariance to find the evidence in the companion object. It also encodes that TT is a supertype of T. It doesn't infer Nothing, but you've mentioned other problems with contravariance. Is it possible to work around those?

trait R[-T]

case class A(i: Int)

object A {

  implicit object RA extends R[A]


class B(i: Int) extends A(i)

def foo[T, TT](x : T)(implicit ev1: R[T] with R[TT], ev2: T <:< TT) = 0

println(foo(new B(1))) // infers TT as A