
Text drawn using Cocoa (OS X) in CALayer and CATextLayer comes out all grainy. What method/approach must be used to get the text to come out crisp/clear?

I am happy for the text to be backed by an opaque background - I know that the question would be even more complex if it needed to be transparent.

I can't use an NSView derived instance (like NSTextField) to represent the text in my solution - I am using CALayer because of its more lightweight nature.


I am updating with code I have tried based on comments below:

The following is intended to be a custom CATextLayer class where the background color is being pre-set to be opaque prior to the text being composed with it such that sub-pixel anti aliasing can take place:

class TextLayer: CATextLayer {

    override func drawInContext(ctx: CGContext!) {


        CGContextSetRGBFillColor (ctx, 1, 1, 1, 1)
        CGContextFillRect (ctx, self.bounds)
        CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts (ctx, true)


This custom derived CATextLayer is then used in a custom view as follows:

    override func awakeFromNib() {

    self.wantsLayer = true
    var backingLayer = self.layer
    var textLayer = TextLayer()
    textLayer.string = "ABC"
    textLayer.fontSize = 16
    textLayer.foregroundColor = NSColor.blackColor().CGColor
    textLayer.frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 80, 40)


The end result is STILL a grainy picture on my retina macBook Pro.

Have you tried the solution in this question? it seems to point to this cocoa builder articlw which accomplish what you're trying to accomplishPetesh
@Petesh thanks for the link. As you will see in my edit above, I tried the suggestion but it didn't give the desired result!Sam

1 Answers


Playing around with a few properties on CALayer yielded the solution...

For the code above to render the fonts smoothly and in-line with others on a retina mac it appears that you also need to set:

textLayer.contentsScale = 2.0

in the NSView subclass.

My understanding is that this generates a more detailed bitmap from the underlying image that more closely matches the Retina capable hardware.