I have a few repos/tables that get called alot returning thousands of rows in my website. I figured to help with the performance of the site, I should start caching the base data, then filter off of that for individual pages. Problem is, as soon as I implement the caching, my NHibernate session gets closed when that cache object is used/called.
I'm using MVC 4, Ninject, and the Repository Pattern.
I created a property on my page to handle accessing the cache object, just for a proof of concept. I'll refactor to it's own class later...
Anyway, here's the code:
private IQueryable<TournamentType> _tournamentTypes;
private IEnumerable<TournamentType> TournamentTypes
_tournamentTypes = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get("TournamentTypes") as IQueryable<TournamentType>;
if (_tournamentTypes == null)
//if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["TournamentTypes"] == null)
// System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["TournamentTypes"] = _tournamentTypeRepo.Query();
//_tournamentTypes = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Application["TournamentTypes"] as IQueryable<TournamentType>;
_tournamentTypes = _tournamentTypeRepo.Query();
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("TournamentTypes", _tournamentTypes);
return _tournamentTypes;
Obviously the code that is running here was my last attempt. The commented-out code was the previous version that I tried. Neither work. As soon as I comment out all caching, and just call _tournamentTypeRepo.Query()
, everything works fine.
Is there a different type of cache mechanism that I need to be using here?
Edit: I've got new information that may help here...
This is ONLY occurring when I'm running from localhost. As soon as the below code gets to my test environment (hosted on AppHarbor) it seems to work just fine (at least it's not throwing an exception saying the session is closed, or a nullreferenceexception).
Any other ideas as to why this wouldn't work only on localhost? I'd like to impelment this approach thoughout my application to speed it up, but if I'm not able to test this in my localhost environment, I'll be very gun-shy about doing anything.