
I realize a question that relates to this has already been asked at Cannot install numpy from wheel format , but the solution presented there does not work for me. I have asked on that thread too (by answering!) but I'm not getting any replies, so here goes:

I have been trying to install matplotlib, but I first need to install numpy. I downloaded the file numpy-1.8.2+mkl-cp26-none-win_amd64.whl, then tried to install it using pip. The error message I keep getting is:

"numpy-1.8.2+mkl-cp26-none-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform". The solution suggested by the thread I referenced above, was to replace "_amd64" by "32", making the filename numpy-1.8.2+mkl-cp26-none-win32.whl. This did not work either, and I get exactly the same error as above.

Any suggestions?

I use Python 3.4.2 64-bit on Windows 7 64-bit.

You need the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler to build the wheel.Malik Brahimi
OK, thanks. I formatted my hard drive recently, and I lost all those utilities I always took for granted :/Konrad
@MalikBrahimi: You shouldn't need a compiler to install the wheel.BrenBarn
@BrenBarn but I need a compiler to run/use the wheel?Konrad
@KonradKapp: No, you shouldn't need a compiler to use it at all. You need a compiler to create the wheel file, but that's not something an end user would normally be doing. (You would only be creating a wheel file if you're the one writing/distributing the library.)BrenBarn

2 Answers


The "cp26" in that filename means "CPython 2.6". If you're using Python 3.4 you'll need a file that has "cp34" in the filename.


Try using the installer from here.