
I'm writing a sub in Excel VBA, and it keeps giving me a 'Type Mismatch' error message when trying to assign the result of a .Find() to a Range variable. I feel pretty confident that my types are appropriate, so perhaps there's a syntax error somewhere?

Help would be GREATLY appreciated: (Line preceded by asterisks is where error is thrown)

Sub totalTiger(fCode As String, project As String, ttls() As Double)

    'Set shorcuts to Worksheets
    Dim this As Workbook:   Set this = ThisWorkbook
    Dim proj As Worksheet:  Set proj = this.Worksheets(project)

    'Dim req variables
    Dim tRng As Range:  Set tRng = proj.Range("A:A").Find(What:="Program Description")   'Establish where Staff data ends and Tiger data begins
    ***Dim rng As Range:   Set rng = proj.Range("C:C").Find(What:=fCode, After:=tRng)   'First fCode entry***

    'For each fCode entry BEFORE the Tiger data, sum the assignments by month
    Do While Not rng Is Nothing And rng.row > tRng.row

        'For each month
        For col = 4 To 15

            'Add this month's assignment to our running total
            ttls(col - 4) = ttls(col - 4) + CDbl(proj.Cells(rng.row, col).Value)


        'Update the rng reference
        Set rng = proj.Range("C:C").Find(What:=fCode, After:=rng)


End Sub

3 Answers


I think the problem is in "After:=tRng": it may be out of the range of the "find"

Dim rng As Range:   Set rng = proj.Range("C:C").Find(What:=fCode, After:=tRng)

Try removing "After:=tRng" and, if it works after removing, then try to insert a correct range.

Dim rng As Range:   Set rng = proj.Range("C:C").Find(What:=fCode)

I'm not sure that's what you need, but you can try:

Dim rng:    Set rng = proj.Range("C:C").Find(What:=fCode, After:=proj.Range("C" & tRng.Row))

It finds the first 'fCode' starting by the row where was found "Program Description"


If you are scratching your head because all logical explanations (such as those above) do not fit, it may be CORRUPTION. I have a live workbook example where, as absurd as it looks, a sheet (with nothing on it; hitting control end lands on A1) reproducibly shows ?activesheet.usedrange.address giving "$B$1:$A$1" and ?activesheet.usedrange.count gives 0.

Thus a most rigorous coding defense should test, BEFORE doing the find,

If Not Intersect(tRng, proj.Range("A:A")) Is Nothing

for the example above, and before any general range expression for {expression}.find,

If Not Intersect(tRng, {expression}) Is Nothing

Your "Else" could drill into the issue, e.g.

msgbox tRng.address & "/" & {expression}.address

The If statement would prevent the Type Mismatch error, not only if you "illegally" or improperly set an "After:" that is not in the search range, but also for at least some cases of corrupt workbooks such as I have encountered IRL. Corrupt workbooks are scary, brutally dangerous, but Microsoft won't address the problem, so corruption is going to happen; testing such as above would at least serve to sound a potential corruption alarm (if applicable), as well as serve the basic function of simply identifying if you had an (After and {expression}) combination that is not permitted.


It is possible that tRng is set to nothing, so the problem is not with the returned value of find, but rather with the parameter you give it.