
I am now sitting multiple hours in front of a problem that seems rather simple to solve but i just cant get behind it :/

I am defining a small javascript-like language in jison. The problem is that the Parameter rule and the AssignStatement rule both (can) start with an CHAR_SEQUENCE and it always chooses the parameter rule. E.g. even though the code is a = 5; it reaches the throw "reached parameter"; so it seems to parse the a as a Parameter instead of a = 5; as an AssignStatement

the relevant part of my grammar:

    : InlineVariable
        { $$ = $1; }
        { throw "reached parameter"; checkUndefined($1, @1); $$ = vars[$1]; }

    : NUMBER
        { $$ = new Runtime.Integer(parseInt($1)); }
    | '"' CHAR_SEQUENCE '"'
        { $$ = new Runtime.String($2); }
    | FUNCTION '(' ParameterList ')' Statement
        { $$ = new Container($5); }

    : CHAR_SEQUENCE AssignmentOperator Parameter ';'
            $$ = function()
                if((typeof vars[$1] == 'undefined' && $3 instanceof Runtime.Integer) || (vars[$1] instanceof Container && $3 instanceof Runtime.Integer))
                    vars[$1] = new Runtime.Integer(0, $1);
                else if(typeof vars[$1] == 'undefined' || (vars[$1] instanceof Container && !($3 instanceof Container)))
                    vars[$1] = $3.constructor.call();

                $2(vars[$1], vars[$3]);
    | CHAR_SEQUENCE SingleAssignmentOperator ';'
            $$ = function()
                if(typeof vars[$1] == 'undefined')
                    vars[$1] = new Runtime.Integer(0, $1);


I posted the full grammar at https://gist.github.com/M4GNV5/36c2550946c1a1f6ec91

So is there a way to solve this problem? I of course already tried using %left, %right, %assoc and %precedence but it didnt work (or i did something wrong?

There is no Assignment production. If you mean AssignmentStatement, then I don't see anywhere that AssignmentStatement and Parameter are both viable. What exactly do you observe which leads you to your problem description?rici
yeah sorry i ment AssignStatement the problem is that if i e.g. add an throw statement to the second Parameter rule it reaches this statement so it parses the i of i = 5; as an Parameter instead an AssingStatement I updated the questionM4GNV5
The reduction of 5 to Parameter is expected; it has nothing to do with i. I tried to explain in an answer.rici

1 Answers


You are misunderstanding the flow control in a bottom-up parser.

Actions are executed when the associated production is reduced (i.e. fully recognized), which won't happen until after all non-terminals in the production have been reduced.

The AssignmentStatement production is:

    : CHAR_SEQUENCE AssignmentOperator Parameter ';'

So before its associated action can be executed, the productions for AssignmentOperator and Parameter must be executed. In this case, Parameter is matching the 5.