Many (all?) of ArangoDB's graph functions accept an "example" document. The documentation for the example parameter says:
{} : Returns all possible vertices for this graph
idString : Returns the vertex/edge with the id idString
[idString1, idString2 ...] : Returns the vertices/edges with the ids matching the given strings.
{key1 : value1, key2 : value2} : Returns the vertices/edges that match this example, which means that both have key1 and key2 with the corresponding attributes
{key1.key2 : value1, key3 : value2} : It is possible to chain keys, which means that a document {key1 : {key2 : value1}, key3 : value2} would be a match
[{key1 : value1}, {key2 : value2}] : Returns the vertices/edges that match one of the examples, which means that either key1 or key2 are set with the corresponding value
In each of these cases (except the idString), it seems I am providing both a key and a value for Arango to match against.
Is there a way for me to create an example that would match any document that has a specific key (as long as the value is not null)?
Just for illustration, here I would like to get any neighboring vertex that has a key of "actor" and I don't care what the value of that key is (as long as it has one):
db._query('RETURN GRAPH_NEIGHBORS("movies", {movie: "Scarfies"}, {neighborExamples: [{actor: *}]})').toArray()
Is this possible in ArangoDB?