
I'm learning about existential quantification, phantom types, and GADTs at the moment. How do I go about creating a heterogeneous list of a data type with a phantom variable? For example:

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

data Toy a where
  TBool :: Bool -> Toy Bool
  TInt  :: Int  -> Toy Int

instance Show (Toy a) where
  show (TBool b) = "TBool " ++ show b
  show (TInt  i) = "TInt "  ++ show i

bools :: [Toy Bool]
bools = [TBool False, TBool True]

ints  :: [Toy Int]
ints  = map TInt [0..9]

Having functions like below are OK:

isBool :: Toy a -> Bool
isBool (TBool _) = True
isBool (TInt  _) = False

addOne :: Toy Int -> Toy Int
addOne (TInt a) = TInt $ a + 1

However, I would like to be able to declare a heterogeneous list like so:

zeros :: [Toy a]
zeros =  [TBool False, TInt 0]

I tried using an empty type class to restrict the type on a by:

class Unify a
instance Unify Bool
instance Unify Int

zeros :: Unify a => [Toy a]
zeros =  [TBool False, TInt 0]

But the above would fail to compile. I was able to use existential quantification to do get the following:

data T = forall a. (Forget a, Show a) => T a

instance Show T where
  show (T a) = show a

class (Show a) => Forget a
instance Forget (Toy a)
instance Forget T

zeros :: [T]
zeros = [T (TBool False), T (TInt 0)]

But this way, I cannot apply a function that was based on the specific type of a in Toy a to T e.g. addOne above.

In conclusion, what are some ways I can create a heterogeneous list without forgetting/losing the phantom variable?

Maybe you toy example is a little too simplified from your actual use case, but wouldn't this be easily solvable with a simple ADT instead of a GADT? data Toy = TBool Bool | TInt Int; isBool (TBool _) = True; isBool _ = False, addOne (TInt a) = TInt $ a + 1; zeros = [Toy]; zeros = [TBool False, TInt 0]. Or do you really need that polymorphism there and your actual use case is more complex?bheklilr
@bheklilr I have some composite data, say data Sequence = Sequence (Toy Int) where it doesnot apply to Toy Bool, and vice versa. And also, in your reply, wouldn't your definition of addOne not total? .i.e. Calling addOne on TBool b would cause an error?gspindles
Sorry, meant to have addOne (TInt a) = TInt $ a + 1; addOne x = x.bheklilr
@gspindles can't you have newtype TInt = TInt Int, TBool similarly and data Toy = ToyInt TInt | ToyBool TBool. So you can have Sequence TInt. I wouldn't use GADTs before they are really necessary, e.g. having constructor like EqToy :: Toy a -> Toy a -> Toy Bool or MultiToy :: Toy a -> Toy [a]phadej
@phagej That was actually my original implementation (except I didn't think to use newtype instead of data). But untimately, I wanted to work with Toy as the bottom most data where everything else operarates on. Hence the need for the phantom and going out of my way to make it work in higher up composite data/function. I.e. in the Sequence data in reply to @bleklilr, I don't want Sequence to take TInt in your example, I want it to take a Toy.gspindles

4 Answers


Start with the Toy type:

data Toy a where
  TBool :: Bool -> Toy Bool
  TInt :: Int -> Toy Int

Now you can wrap it up in an existential without over-generalizing with the class system:

data WrappedToy where
  Wrap :: Toy a -> WrappedToy

Since the wrapper only holds Toys, we can unwrap them and get Toys back:

incIfInt :: WrappedToy -> WrappedToy
incIfInt (Wrap (TInt n)) = Wrap (TInt (n+1))
incIfInt w = w

And now you can distinguish things within the list:

incIntToys :: [WrappedToy] -> [WrappedToy]
incIntToys = map incIfInt


As Cirdec points out, the different pieces can be teased apart a bit:

onInt :: (Toy Int -> WrappedToy) -> WrappedToy -> WrappedToy
onInt f (Wrap t@(TInt _)) = f t
onInt _ w = w

mapInt :: (Int -> Int) -> Toy Int -> Toy Int
mapInt f (TInt x) = TInt (f x)

incIntToys :: [WrappedToy] -> [WrappedToy]
incIntToys = map $ onInt (Wrap . mapInt (+1))

I should also note that nothing here so far really justifies the Toy GADT. bheklilr's simpler approach of using a plain algebraic datatype should work just fine.


There was a very similar question a few days ago.

In your case it would be

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, PolyKinds, Rank2Types #-}

data Exists :: (k -> *) -> * where
  This :: p x -> Exists p

type Toys = [Exists Toy]

zeros :: Toys
zeros = [This (TBool False), This (TInt 0)]

It's easy to eliminate an existential:

recEx :: (forall x. p x -> c) -> Exists p -> c
recEx f (This x) = f x

Then if you have a recursor for the Toy datatype

recToy :: (Toy Bool -> c) -> (Toy Int -> c) -> Toy a -> c
recToy f g x@(TBool _) = f x
recToy f g x@(TInt  _) = g x

you can map a wrapped toy:

mapToyEx :: (Toy Bool -> p x) -> (Toy Int -> p y) -> Exists Toy -> Exists p
mapToyEx f g = recEx (recToy (This . f) (This . g))

For example

non_zeros :: Toys
non_zeros = map (mapToyEx (const (TBool True)) addOne) zeros

This approach is similar to one in @dfeuer's answer, but it's less ad hoc.


The ordinary heterogeneous list indexed by a list of the types of its elements is

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

data HList l where
    HNil :: HList '[]
    HCons :: a -> HList l -> HList (a ': l)

We can modify this to hold values inside some f :: * -> *.

data HList1 f l where
    HNil1 :: HList1 f '[]
    HCons1 :: f a -> HList1 f l -> HList1 f (a ': l)

Which you can use to write zeros without forgetting the type variables.

zeros :: HList1 Toy [Bool, Int]  
zeros = HCons1 (TBool False) $ HCons1 (TInt 0) $ HNil1

Have you played with Data.Typeable? A Typeable constraint allows you to make guesses at the type hidden by the existential, and cast to that type when you guess right.

Not your example, but some example code I have lying around:

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}

import Data.Typeable

data Showable where
    -- Note that this is an existential defined in GADT form
    Showable :: (Typeable a, Show a) => a -> Showable

instance Show Showable where
    show (Showable value) = "Showable " ++ show value

-- Example of casting Showable to Integer
castToInteger :: Showable -> Maybe Integer
castToInteger (Showable (value :: a)) = 
    case eqT :: Maybe (a :~: Integer) of
      Just Refl -> Just value
      Nothing -> Nothing

example1 = [Showable "foo", Showable 5]
example2 = map castToInteger example1